Dardonville, M., Catarino, R., Therond, O., 2023. Sustainability and resilience against climate change provided by a territorial crop-livestock system. Journal of Cleaner Production 139646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139646
Soutif-Bellenger, M., Thirel, G., Therond, O., Villerd, J., 2023. As simple as possible but not simpler?: the case of irrigation modeling at catchment scale in southwestern France. Irrig Sci 41, 713–736. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-023-00846-x
Misslin R, Clivot H, Levavasseur F, Villerd J, Soulié J-C, Houot S, et al. Integrated assessment and modeling of regional recycling of organic waste. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022;379:134725. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134725.
Tribouillois H, Constantin J, Murgue C, Villerd J, Therond O. Integrated modeling of crop and water management at the watershed scale: Optimizing irrigation and modifying crop succession. European Journal of Agronomy 2022;140:126592. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2022.126592.
Tribouillois H, Constantin J, Casal L., Villerd J., Therond O., 2022. Introducing and expanding cover crops at the watershed scale: impact on water flows. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2022.108050
Catarino R, Therond O, Berthomier J, Miara M, Mérot E, Misslin R, et al. Fostering local crop-livestock integration via legume exchanges using an innovative integrated assessment and modelling approach based on the MAELIA platform. Agricultural Systems 2021;189:103066. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103066 .
Misslin R., Clivot H., Levavasseur F., Villerd J., Soulié J.-C., Wassenaar T., Houot S., Therond O. (2020). An integrated assessment and modelling approach for territorial management of organic resources. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Sep 2020, Brussels, Belgium.
Rui Catarino, Frederique Angevin, Jérémy Berthomier, Christian Bockstaller, Emmanuel Mérot, Renaud Misslin, Jean Villerd, Olivier Therond (2020). MAELIA – An innovative integrated modelling tool to assess and design territorial crop-livestock systems. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Sep 2020, Brussels, Belgium. ⟨hal-02942379⟩
Allain S., Plumecocq G., Leenhardt D. (2020). Linking deliberative evaluation with integrated assessment and modelling: a methodological framework and its application to agricultural water management. Futures. DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2020.102566
Tribouillois H., Constantin J., Guillon B., Willaume M., Aubriond G., Fontained A., Hauprichd, Kerveillant P., Laurent F., Therond O. (2020). AqYield-N: A simple model to predict nitrogen leaching from crop fields. Agric For Meteorol 284:107890. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107890
Catarino R., Bockstaller C., Misslin R., Angevin F., Therond O. (2019) Integrated assessment and modelling of the impacts of cropping system diversification from field to landscape and agro-chain levels: the MAELIA multi-agent platform, European conference on Crop Diversification,18-21 September, Budapest, Hungary, 2pp.
Rizzo, D., Therond, O., Lardy, R., Murgue, C., Leenhardt, D. (2019). A rapid, spatially explicit approach to describe cropping systems dynamics at the regional scale. Agricultural Systems 173, 491-503
Casal L., Tribouillois H. , Misslin R. , Constantin J., Willaume M., Therond O. (2019). Integrated assessment and modelling of agro-ecological practices on water flow at catchment level: what potential of the Maelia platform? ISEM 2019, 1-5 October 2019, Salzburg, Austria.
Misslin R., Levavasseur F., Soulié J-C., Villerd J., Wassenaar T., Houot S., Therond O. (2019). Maelia-OWM: An integrated assessment and modelling tool for territorial management of organic resources. ISEM 2019, 1-5 October 2019, Salzburg, Austria.
Clivot H., Cuntz M., Marron N., Therond O (2019). Extending the multi-agent modelling platform MAELIA to support land conversion to agroforestry systems. 4th World Congress on Agroforestry. Montpellier, France, 20-22/05/2019.
Sibertin-Blanc C.*, Therond O.*, Monteil C., Mazzega P. (2018). The entity-process framework for integrated agent-based modeling of social-ecological systems. In Boulet R., Lajaunie C., Mazzega P. (eds) ; Law, Public Policies and Complex Systems: Networks in Action. Law, Governance and Technology Series, Springer, 57-86. * are the two first authors
Allain S, Ndong GO, Lardy R, Leenhardt D (2018) Integrated assessment of four strategies for solving water imbalance in an agricultural landscape. Agron Sustain Dev 38:60. doi: 10.1007/s13593-018-0529-z
Tribouillois, H., Constantin, J., Willaume, M., Brut, A., Ceschia, E., Tallec, T., Beaudoin, N., Therond, O. (2018). Predicting water balance of wheat and crop rotations with a simple model: AqYield. Agric. For. Meteorol. 262, 412–422. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.07.026
Tribouillois , H. (Auteur de correspondance), Constantin, J., Willaume, M., Brut, A., Ceschia, E., Tallec, T., Therond, O. (2018). Predicting evapotranspiration in crop rotations with a simple model: AqYield. In: ESA 2018. Abstract book. Innovative cropping and farming systems for high quality food production systems. (p. 154-154). Presented at 15. ESA Congress, Genève, CHE (2018-08-27 – 2018-08-31). 180 p.
Lardy, R., Truche, C., Therond, O. (2016). Modelling small agricultural dams dynamics into the MAELIA multi-agent platform, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. Toulouse, France, pp. 330–337. Télécharger ici
Martin E, Gascoin S, Grusson Y, Murgue C, Bardeau M, Anctil F, et al. On the Use of Hydrological Models and Satellite Data to Study the Water Budget of River Basins Affected by Human Activities: Examples from the Garonne Basin of France. Surv Geophys 2016;37:223–47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-016-9366-2
Murgue, C., Therond, O., Leenhardt, D., 2016. Hybridizing local and generic information to model cropping system spatial distribution in an agricultural landscape. Agricultural Systems, 54, 339–354.
Balestrat, M. et Therond, O. (2014). Une méthode d’intégration de bases de données géographiques hétérogènes afin d’analyser les interactions entre agriculture et ressources en eau sur le bassin Adour-Garonne. In: Environnement, politiques publiques et pratiques locales. Eds Philippe Béringuier, Frédérique Blot, Bertrand Desailly, Mehdi Saqalli, L’Harmattan, Versailles, France, 461-482.
Constantin, J., Willaume, M., Murgue, C., Lacroix, B., Therond, O. (2015). The soil-crop models STICS and AqYield predict yield and soil watercontent for irrigated crops equally well with limited data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 206, 55-68.
Murgue, C., Therond, O., Leenhardt, D. (2015). Towards sustainable water and agricultural land management: participatory design of spatial distributions of cropping systems in a water-deficit basin. Land Use Policy, 45, 52-63.
Lardy, R., Mazzega, P., Sibertin-Blanc, C., Auda, Y., Sanchez-Perez, J.S., Sauvage, S., Therond, O. (2014). Calibration of simulation platforms including highly interweaved processes: the MAELIA multi-agent platform. In Daniel P. Ames, Nigel W.T. Quinn and Andrea E. Rizzoli (Eds.). 7th Int. Congress on Env. Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, CA, USA, 8 pp. Téléchargeable ici.
Mazzega, P., Therond, O., Debril, T., March, H., Sibertin-Blanc, C., Lardy, R., Sant’Ana, D. (2014). Critical Multi-Scale Governance Issues of the Integrated Modeling: Example of the Low-Water Management in the Adour-Garonne Basin (France). Journal of hydrology. DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.043.
Murgue, C., Lardy, R., Vavasseur, V., Leenhardt, D., Therond, O. (2014). Fine spatio-temporal simulation of cropping and farming systems effects on irrigation withdrawal dynamics within a river basin. Daniel P. Ames, Nigel W.T. Quinn and Andrea E. Rizzoli (Eds.). 7th Int. Congress on Env. Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, CA, USA, 8pp. Téléchargeable ici.
Murgue, C., Therond, O., Leenhardt, D. (2014). Agricultural viability in a water-deficit basin: can participatory modelling and design activities trigger collaboration between water management and agriculture stakeholders? Heike Schobert, Maja-Catrin Riecher, Holger Fischer, Thomas Aenis, Andrea Knierim (Eds), Farming System facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies. 11th European IFSA Symposium, April 1-4, Berlin, Germany.
Therond, O., Sibertin-Blanc, C., Balestrat, M., Gaudou, B., Hong, Y, Louail, T., Nguyen, V.B., Panzoli, D., Sanchez-Perez, J.M., Sauvage, S., Taillandier, P., Vavasseur, M., Mazzega, P. (2014). Integrated modelling of social-ecological systems: The MAELIA high-resolution multi-agent platform to deal with water scarcity problems. In Daniel P. Ames, Nigel W.T. Quinn and Andrea E. Rizzoli (Eds.). 7th Int. Congress on Env. Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, CA, USA, 8pp. Téléchargeable ici.
Gaudou B., Sibertin-Blanc Ch., Therond O., Amblard F., Arcangeli J.-P., Balestrat M., Charron-Moirez M.-H., Gondet E., Yi Hong, Louail Th., Mayor E., Panzoli D., Sauvage S., Sanchez-Perez J., Taillandier P., Nguyen V. B., Vavasseur M. & P. Mazzega (2013) The MAELIA multi-agent platform for integrated assessment of low-water management issues. MABS 2013 14th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA 6-7 May, submitted.
Mayor E., Sibertin-Blanc C., Thérond O., Panzoli D., Vavasseur M. and P. Mazzega (2012) Formal representation of Water Withdrawal Policies for Integrated Assessment. In : European Conference on Complex Systems, Brussels, 03/09/2012-07/09/2012, Gilbert Thomas, Nicolis Grégoire, (Eds.), http://hal.inria.fr/hal-00968234
Boulet R., Mazzega P. & D. Bourcier (2012) Réseaux normatifs relatifs à l’environnement : structures et changements d’échelles. In Politiques Publiques Systèmes Complexes. Bourcier, Boulet & Mazzega (eds.), Hermann, Paris, ISBN : 978-27056-8274-3, 107-130.
Bourcier D., Boulet R. & P. Mazzega P. (2012) La gouvernance des systèmes complexes – Réflexions et recherches sur les politiques publiques aujourd’hui. Introduction à Politiques Publiques Systèmes Complexes. Bourcier, Boulet & Mazzega (eds.), Hermann, Paris, ISBN : 978-27056-8274-3, 09-17.
Debril T. et O. Therond (2012) Les difficultés associées à la gestion quantitative de l’eau et à la mise en œuvre de la réforme des volumes prélevables : le cas du bassin Adour-Garonne. Agronomie, Environnement & Sociétés, 2 (10), 127-138.
March H., Thérond O. & D. Lennhardt (2012) Water futures: reviewing water-scenario analyses through an original interpretative framework. Ecological Economics, 82, 126-137.
Mazzega P., Boulet R. & M. Fernandez-Barrera (2012) Méthodologie d’Analyse Réticulaire d’une Politique Publique : le SDAGE Adour-Garonne 2010-2015. In Politiques Publiques Systèmes Complexes. Bourcier, Boulet & Mazzega (eds.), Hermann, ISBN : 978-27056-8274-3, 195-216.
Mazzega P., Sibertin-Blanc Ch. & O. Therond (2012) Knowledge Blending for the «Environment, Stakeholders & Norms » Nexus. Proc. Toulouse Space Show, 25-28 june, Toulouse (France) 6 pp (available on request).
Nguyen, V. B.,Panzoli, D., Laques, A.E., Therond, O. & P. Mazzega (2012) Integration of land cover & land use multi-scale information layers in a model of low water management. SELPER 2012 Symp., Cayenne, Guyane Française, 19-23 Novembre 2012, 8 pp (available on request).
Mazzega P., Boulet R. & Th. Libourel (2012) Graphs for ontology, law and policy. In New Frontiers in Graph Theory, Yagang Zhang (ed.), InTech Publ., ISBN 978-953-51-0115-4, Chap. 25, 493-514.
Taillandier, P., Therond, O. & B. Gaudou (2012) A new BDI agent architecture based on the belief theory. Application to the modelling of cropping plan decision-making. Intern. Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. R. Seppelt, A.A. Voinov, S. Lange & D. Bankamp (Eds.) Leipzig, Germany. http://www.iemss.org/society/index.php/iemss-2012-proceedings
Adreit F., Roggero P., Sibertin-Blanc C. & C. Vautier (2011) Using Soclab for a rigorous assessment of the social feasibility of agricultural policies. Intern. J. of Agricultural and Env. Inf. Syst., Spec. Issue on Env. & Agric. Data Processing for Water and Territory management, Vol. 2(2), 1-20.
Boulet R., Mazzega P. & D. Bourcier (2011) A Network Approach to the French System of Legal codes- Part I: Analysis of a Dense Network. Artificial Intelligence & Law, vol.19 (4), 333-355.
March, H., Therond, O. & D. Leenhardt (2011) Water futures: A review of water scenarios based on an original analytical framework. 9th Intern. Conf. of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE 2011), June 14-17, Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Mazzega P., Bourcier D., Bourgine P., Nadah N. and R. Boulet (2011) A complex-system approach: legal knowledge, ontology, information and networks. In Approaches to Legal Ontologies: Theories, Domains, Methodologies, G. Sartor, P. Casanovas, M. A. Biasiotti & M. Fernández Barrera eds., Springer, 117-132.
Pernet Ch. (2011) « Stratégies dénominatives dans la politique de l’eau en France : LEMA, PAPI, SANDRE et les autres. » MOTS Les langages du politique, n° 95, mars 2011 Dossier Sigles et acronymes en politique (SAcroPol).
Pernet Ch. (2011) « Identification de termes/concepts pour une application pluridisciplinaire : les apports de la terminologie textuelle ». In Briu, J.-J. Terminologie (I) : analyser des termes et des concepts, Bern, Peter Lang, 191-221.
Santos da Silva M. A., Sibertin-Blanc, C. et B. Gaudou (2011) Modélisation des processus sociaux pour le développement rural durable : le territoire comme système complexe d’acteurs. In: Colloque National : Ecologisation des politiques et des pratiques agricoles, L’Isle sur la Sorgue, 16-18, mars, 2011. Unité d’Ecodéveloppement, INRA PACA, Avignon, 1-27.
Sibertin-Blanc, C., Therond, O., Monteil, C. & P. Mazzega (2011) Formal Modeling of Social-Ecological Systems. 7th Intern. Conf. of the European Social Simulation Assoc. (ESSA 2011), September 19-23, Montpellier, France, 47 pp., (available on request).
Taillandier P. & F. Amblard (2011) Cartography of Multi-Agent Model Parameter Space through a reactive Dicotomous Approach. Proc. 25th European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM 2011), Guimaraes, Portugal, 38-42.
Amblard F. (2010) Construire des sociétés artificielles pour comprendre les phénomènes sociaux réels. Nouvelles Perspectives en Sciences Sociales, Vol. 5(2), 69-77.
Boulet R., Mazzega P., Bourcier D. (2010) Network Analysis of the French Environmental Code, in P. Casanovas et al. (Eds.): AICOL Workshops 2009, LNAI 6237, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 39-53.
Bourcier D., Mazzega P. et R. Boulet (2010) Visualiser la complexité du droit. In Les Technologies de l’Information au Service des Droits : Opportunités, Défis, Limites. Cahiers du Centre de recherches informatique et droit – N° 32, D. Le Métayer (coord.), Bruylant, Bruxelles, 269-293.
Saqalli M., Thiriot S., Amblard F. (2010) Investigating social conflicts linked to water resources through agent-based modelling . In Complex Societal Dynamics – Security Challenges and Opportunities. Martinas, Matika, Srbljinovi &, Armano (Eds.), IOS Press, Vol. 75, NATO Sci. for Peace and Security Series – E, 142-157.
Therond, O., Belhouchette, H., Janssen, S., Louhichi, K., Ewert, F., Bergez, J.E., Wery, J., Heckelei, T., Alkan Olsson, J., Leenhardt, D., Van Ittersum, M. (2009) Methodology to translate policy assessment problems into scenarios: the example of the SEAMLESS integrated framework. Environmental Science and Policy 12, 619–630.
Balestrat, M. et Therond, O. (2014). Enjeux de la gestion quantitative de l’eau en France. Quels données et outils de modélisation pour les institutions publiques en charge de la gestion des étiages ? Rapport d’étude ONEMA-INRA, 75 pp.
Therond, O. (2014). Outils pour la gestion « territoriale » des étiages. Quels fonctionnalités attendues, outils existants et développements nécessaires ? Rapport d’étude ONEMA-INRA, 38 pp.
Cabarrou B. (2012) Traitement statistique de séries temporelles de prélèvements d’eau en rapport avec des variables explicatives dans le cadre du projet MAELIA. Resp. Resp. E. Gondet, UMR GET, Module EM8MIMAM – M1 IMAT, UFR Sciences & Ingénièrie, Univ. P. Sabatier, ~35 pp. (soutenance sept.).
Chin Kee Sing (2012) Recensement d’une base de données et Normes sur la qualité de l’eau dans le bassin Adour-Garonne. Resp. E. Gondet, UMR GET, Stage M1 Eaux, Sols, Environnement, Univ. P. Sabatier, 30 pp.
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N’Guyen D. V. (2011) Représentation relationnelle issue d’un corpus textuel de Politique Publique: cas du SDAGE Adour-Garonne 2010-2015. Condamine A. & P. Mazzega (dirs), Master 2 Linguistique, CLLE MSHS-T Le Mirail (soutenance juin 2011).
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Fèvre-Pernet Ch. (et membres du projet MAELIA) (2010) Référentiel Commun des Termes du Projet « MAELIA » Document interne de travail – Version Mars 2010, 69 pp.
Sibertin-Blanc Ch., Roggero P., Adreit F., Chapron P., El Gemayel J., Mailliard M., Sandri S. & C. Vautier (2010) Une formalisation de la sociologie de l’action organisée: méta-modèle, simulation et étude analytique. Rapport IRIT/RR–2010-11-FR, 21 pp.
Brévier A. et S. Becerra (2009) La gestion quantitative de l’eau dans le Bassin Adour-Garonne, Rapport intermédiaire sur la gestion des étiages sur le bassin de la Garonne, Projet MAELIA, Décembre 2009, 57 pp.
Saqalli M. (2009) Etat de l’art sur la modélisation des conflits sur les ressources naturelles renouvelables, Rapport interne projet MAELIA, novembre 2009, 14 pp.